Bulbous Plants – Flowering Calendar

Spring Flowering

Albuca nelsonii – Candelabrum Lily (Flowers in Sep to Dec)

Albuca tortulosa – (Flowers in Oct)

Aristea ecklonii – Blue Stars (Flowers in Oct to Dec)

Boophane disticha – Tumbleweed (Flowers in Jul to Oct)

Bulbiine abyssinian – Golden Stars (Flowers in Spring)

Bulbine frutescens – Stalked Bulbine (Flowers in Sept to Jun)

Bulbine natalensis – Broad Leaved Bulbine (Flowers in Spring)

Clivia miniata – Clivia (Flowers in Spring)

Crinum bulbispermum – Orange River Lily (Flowers in Sept to Oct)

Crinum moorii – Natal Lily (Flowers Sept to Jan)

Cyrtanthus mackenii – Ifafa Lily – Yellow (Flowers Jul to Feb)

Dierama medium – Medium Hairbell (Flowers in Spring)

Dierama pendulum – Hairbell (Flowers Aug to Dec)

Drimiopsis maculata – Green Drimiopsis (Flowers Sep to Jan)

Ledebouria ovatifolia – Common Squill (Flowers in Aug to Nov)

Merwillia plumbea – Blue Squill (Flowers in Sept to Dec)

Ornithogallum juncifolium – Grass Leaved Chincherinchee (Flowers in Sep to Dec)

Scadoxus puniceus – Red Paintbrush (Flowers in Spring)

Scilla natalensis – Now Merwillea Plumbea (Flowers in Spring)

Tulbaghia violacea – Silver Lace (Flowers all year)

Summer flowering

Ammocharis coranica – Ground Lily (Flowers in Oct to Jan)

Crinum macowani – River Lily (Flowers Oct to Feb)

Crocosmia aurea – Falling Stars (Flowers Feb to Apr)

Crocosmia masonurum – Swan Crocosmia (Flowers in Dec to Jan)

Crinum macowani – River Lily (Flowers Oct to Feb)

Crocosmia masonurum – Swan Crocosmia (Flowers in Dec to Jan)

Cyrtanthus breviflorus – Fire Lily (Flowers All year)

Eucomis autumnalis – Pineapple Flower (Flowers in Summer)

Eucomics vandermerwel – Miniature Pineapple Lily (Flowers in Dec to Feb)

Galtonia princeps – Summer Hyacinth (Flowers in Nov to Feb)

Gladiolus dalenii – Wild Gladiolus (Flowers in Nov to Dec)

Gloriosa superba – Flame Lily (Flowers in Nov to Mar)

Haemanthus coccinea – Blood Flower (Flowers in late Summer)

Hesperantha coccinea – Scarlet River Lily (Flowers in Dec to Jan)

Hypoxis argenteae – Small Yellow Star Flower (Flowers in Aug to Apr)

Hypoxis hemerocallidea – African Potato (Flowers in Summer)

Merwillia plumbea dwarf – Dwarf Scilla (Flowers in January)

Nerine filifolia – Candlelabrum Lily (Flowers late in Summer)

Ornithogallum saundersiae – Giant White Chincherinchee (Flowers in Dec to Apr)

Ornithogallum thyrsoides – Chincherinchee (Flowers in Oct to Feb)

Scadoxus membranaceus – Dwaft Paintbrush (Flowers Dec to Apr)

Scadoxis multiflorus ‘katherinae’ – Catherine Wheel (Flowers in Jan to Mar)

Scadoxis puniceus var natalensis – Paintbrush (Flowers in Spring)

Tulbaghia violacea – Wild Garlic (Flowers in Summer)

Velthemia bracteata – Glossy Forest Lily (Flowers Jul to Sep)

Watsonia angusta – Red Watsonia (Flowers in Autumn to Summer)

Watsonia pillansii – Knolpypie (Flowers in Jan to Apr)

Zantedeschia albomaculata – Arrow Leaved Arum (Flowers in Oct to Dec)

Zantedeschia pentlandii – Yellow Arum Lily (Flowers in Summer)

Zantedeschia green goddess – Green Arum (Flowers in Summer)

Zantedeschia marshmallow – Pale Pink Arum ( Flowers in Summer)

Zantedeschia aethiopica – White Arum Lily (Flowers in Summer)

Autumn Flowering

Agapanthus inapertus – Drooping Agapanthus (Flowers in Jan to Mar)

Crocosmia aurea – Falling Stars (Flowers Feb to Apr)

Winter Flowering

Haemanthus albiflos – White Paintbrush (Flowers in May to Sep)

Kniphofia praecox – Red Hot Poker (Flowers in Winter)

Tulbaghia fragrans – Sweet Garlic (Flowers in winter)