Cottage gardens are charming and can be achieved by creating winding paths and arches laden with climbers like Thunbergia alata, Senecio macroglossus and the Jasminums.
Ideal small trees and shrubs are Polygala myrtifolia, Freylinia tropica, Mackaya bella for the shade, Bauhinia natalensis and tomentosa, Anisodontea Classic serice, Erythrina humeana, Grewia occidentalis And Leonotis leounrus.
The beds should be closely planted with masses of plants. In the shady areas one can plant various Plectranthus and Crassulas. The sunny areas can be filled with Geraniums, Pelargoniums, Felicias and the Helichrysums with their grey leaves make a good contrast. Euryops is dependable and flowers profusely. Damp areas can be planted up with Zantedescia aethiopica and Dietes grandiflora.
Groundcovers are good fillers and one can use Tulbaghia, Gazanias, Arctotus, Aptemia and the various Bulbines. Asystasia does well in the shade as well as the sun.
Interplant with bulbs to ensure that there is always something in flower all year.
Spring flowering Scadoxus puniceus, Merwillea plumbea, Clivia, Kniphofia pauciflora and Gladiolus are a joy after winter.
Summer flowering bulbs are Aristea, Crocosmia, Kniphofia linerifolia Scadoxus multiflorus Katherin, Ammocharis coranica, Hypoxis hemerocallidea and Watsonias.
Autumn flowering bulbs are Haemanthus albiflos and Nerines.
Winter flowering bulbs are Cyrtanthus mackenii, Sparaxis and Kniphofia praecox.
Place a bench in a spot where you can sit back and admire the fruits of your labour.