Acacia burkei root dye is yellow.
Acacia caffra gives a light brown colour
Acacia karroo bark gives a reddish colour
Acacia meliffera woodash dyes a red brick colour
Acacia sieberana gives a grey colour
Aloe zebrina and Aloe marlothii roots are used for a yellowish brown dye.
Aloe cryptopoda roots produce a reddish brown colour.
Berchemia discolour roots also produce a reddish brown colour whereas the boiled fruit gives an orange dye.
Carissa macrocarpa fruit is boiled to produce a pink dye.
Cassine aethiopica bark makes a brown dye.
Combretum erythrophyllum roots result in a dark brown dye.
Combretum molle leaves make a red colour while the roots produse a yellow colour.
Diospyros lycioides roots produces a yellowish brown dye.
Harpephyllum caffrum bark is boiled to produce a mauve or pinkish dye.
Hypoxis hemerocladdea leaves are boiled to produce a black dye.
Kigelia africana roots are used for yellow dye.
Phyllanthus fruit gives rise to a black colour.
Schotia brachypetala bark produces a reddish brown colour.
Sclerocarya birrea bark produces a brown with hints of red or mauve.
Searsia lancea leaf and bark are used for a brown colour.
Searsia pendulina bark produces a reddish brown dye.
Senegalia caffra bark makes a light brown colour.
Senegalia mellifera wood ash dye is brick red.
Senegalia tortilis bark and roots are boiled for a yellow dye.
Syzygium cordatum bark is boiled to make a red/brown dye.
Vachellia karoo bark is used for a light brown colour whereas
Vachellia sieberana bark produces a grey colour.
Zantedescia aethiopica leaves make a yellow colour.