World Environment Day on Sunday 5 June certainly promotes a greater appreciation of nature, the environment and the universe. We witness, with horror man’s greed, waste and total disrespect for the environment. We can make a difference in our own gardens but bear in mind that gardening is a slow process as plants need time to grow strong roots before they make strong plants. So what do we do in our own gardens to contribute to WED? Gardens are a mini eco system and they achieve many positive things all by themselves. They put oxygen back into the air and support life in the soil, on the soil and in the trees. We can contribute to this eco system by planting appropriate indigenous plants that are water-wise, will encourage wildlife to the garden and be self-sustainable. We should make our own compost to enrich the soil and increase its ability to absorb water. Homemade mulch also enriches the soil structure and will reduce the demand for water. We could try to garden without the use of chemicals. There are many recipes for insect deterrents that my grandmother used to make. It’s a ‘feel good’ thing to do! Do harvest rain water and use the grey water from your shower or bath. At the end of the day, we can all do our little bit indoors too by switching off lights at night, boiling only the amount of water that we need and only using a dishwasher and washing machine with a full load. Last but not least, my recycling passion, where everything at home and in the nursery gets recycled and that becomes a way of life. Take time this Sunday to reflect on your garden and some of its many gifts to you. We would be poorer without earthworms, flowers, birds and butterflies, to name but a few.