Pests quickly become acclimatized to a particular smell or taste so use one of these remedies for a week and then switch to another.
1.Potato leaf tea is a general pesticide to deter all pests.
1 cup leaves and 2 cups water.
Chop the leaves and cover with boiling water. Leave in the sun for a few days,
strain and spray as required.
2. Garlic, chilli and onion spray for thrips, aphids, grasshoppers, chewing bugs.
2 chillies, 1 whole garlic bulb, 1 onion and ¼ cup of water.
Blend all the ingredients and cover with 3.5 L water. Stand for a few days and
strain. Spray the liquid and bury the ‘mash” where most of the pests are.
3. Tomato leaf spray for grasshoppers and white fly.
1 cup leaves and 2 cups water.
Chop the leaves and cover with boiling water. Leave in the sun for a few days,
strain and spray as required.
4. Khakibos leaf tea is a general pesticide to deter all pests.
1 cup leaves and 2 cups water.
Chop the leaves and cover with boiling water. Leave in the sun for a few days.
Strain and spray as required.
5. Onion spray for aphids and other insects and worms.
Save your onion skins and end bits in the fridge until you have about half a bucket
full. Cover with boiling water; stand in the sun for a week, strain and spray.