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Merwillia plumbea (was Scilla natalensis)
Blue Squill
Medicinal value. Stunning in flower.Read more -
Ledebouria petiolata was Drimiopsis maculata
Leopard Lily, Spotted-Leaved Drimiopsis, Little White Soldier
Medicinal, indoor plant.Read more -
Acokanthera oppositifolia
Bushmans Poison
Contains poisonous milky latex and poisonous berries. Used medicinally.Read more -
Clausena anisata
Medicinal and magical, leaves used to flavour curry.Read more -
Vachellia karroo (Acacia karroo)
Sweet Thorn
Medicinal properties, bark used to tan leather red, firewood, gum…Read more -
Zantedeschia aethiopica
White Arum Lily, Pig's Lily
Medicinal value, tuber eaten, leaves produce a yellow dye. Used…Read more -
Carpobrotus edulis
Sour Fig
Fruits are eaten raw, processed into jam or used in…Read more -
Searsia lancea (Rhus lancea)
Protected in Northern Cape & Jacobsdal District in Free State,…Read more -
Freylinia tropica
Blue Honeybell Bush
Undemanding plant that is great pruned as a formal hedge.Read more -
Coleonema album
White Confetti Bush
Wind resistant, medicinal.Read more -
Portulacaria afra prostrata
Elephants Foot
Leaves browsed by game and eaten by children, controls soil…Read more -
Olea europaea subsp. africana
Wild Olive
Edible fruit, protected in South Africa, medicinal, fine wood for…Read more