
102 Dunmaglass Road
Glenferness, Midrand

Contact Details

Cell - 082 824 6715
Telkom - 011 465 8857

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 8am - 4.30pm
Sat - Sun: 9am - 4.30pm

Asparagus densiflorus-sprengerii

Bright Green groundcover, good for hanging baskets.

Plant Type:

General Size: small

Flowering Time: spring

Flowering Colour: white

Specifications: birds | container plants | evergreen | fast growing | flowers for the vase | frost resistant | insect eaters | semi shade | shade | sun | townhouse gardens | waterwise


An evergreen groundcover, which is water wise and fast growing in the sun, shade or semi-shade. The white flowers open in spring and they attract butterflies. The flowers are followed by red berry that attracts fruit eating birds. They are useful for containers and hanging baskets. The bright green, glistening foliage is attractive and is ideal for small gardens and is used in flower arranging. The name is derived from the Greek asparagos=shoot or sprout.