Creating acid soil for your Clivia’s
One can buy acid compost to dig into your Clivia beds, but if you save your coffee grounds and tea leaves you can use these to create the perfect soil for them.
102 Dunmaglass Road
Glenferness, Midrand
Cell - 082 824 6715
Telkom - 011 465 8857
Mon - Fri: 8am - 4.30pm
Sat - Sun: 9am - 4.30pm
One can buy acid compost to dig into your Clivia beds, but if you save your coffee grounds and tea leaves you can use these to create the perfect soil for them.
This spray is effective against aphids. Bring 4 cups of water to the boil and add 1 cup of fresh basil leaves. Bring to the boil again and then leave to steep with the lid on. When cold, strain and
To attract birds ,fruit, nectar and nesting Apodytes dimidiata – White Pear Burchellia bubalina – Wild Pomegranate Calpurnia aurea – Wild Laburnum Carissa macrocarpa – Big Num Num Diospyros whyteana – Bladder Nut Dodonaea angustifolia – Sand Olive Duvernoia aconitifolia – Lemon Pistol Bush Grewia occidentalis – Crossberry
Acocanthera oppositifolia – Bushman’s Poison Bauhinia galpinii – Pride Of De Kaap Bauhinia natalensis – Natal Bauhinia Buddleja auriculata – Weeping Sage Buddleja saligna – False Olive Buddleja salvifolia – Sagewood Combretum molle – Velvet Bushwillow Dodonaea angustifolia – Sand Olive Euclea crispa – Blue Guarri Euclea natalensis – Natal