Hot dry weather
These are challenging times for us. I do hope that the following tips will be of help to you as we overcome these trying times of drought and hot weather. Mulch. Firstly, emulate nature by leaving all the leaves and
102 Dunmaglass Road
Glenferness, Midrand
Cell - 082 824 6715
Telkom - 011 465 8857
Mon - Fri: 8am - 4.30pm
Sat - Sun: 9am - 4.30pm
These are challenging times for us. I do hope that the following tips will be of help to you as we overcome these trying times of drought and hot weather. Mulch. Firstly, emulate nature by leaving all the leaves and
Climbers that twine themselves Cyphostemma lanigerum – Wild Grape Clematis bracteata – Traveller’s Joy Senecio macroglossus – Flowing Ivy Thunbergia alata – Black Eye Susan Jasminum angulare – Wild Jasminum Jasminum multipartitum – Starry Wild Jasmine Climbers that scamper up
Retaining Wall – Succulents Aloe ballii – Ball’s Cliff Aloe Aloe cooperi – Cooper’s Aloe Aloe dyeri – Dyer’s Aloe Aloe striata/maculata – Coral Aloe Aloe tenuior – Basuto Kraal Aloe 4 L Aloe vanbalenii – Van Balen’s Aloe Aptenia