Butterfly Tree
If you want to see butterflies in your garden, plant their favourite trees, shrubs and groundcovers. A Buddleja saligna has beautiful white flowers that attract
Dogs and cats in your new flower bed?
There is nothing more infuriating than planting up a new bed and having your dogs and cats stomping all over your newly planted area. Solve
Creating acid soil for your Clivia’s
One can buy acid compost to dig into your Clivia beds, but if you save your coffee grounds and tea leaves you can use these
Chamomile Tea and Rescue Remedy
Try Chamomile Tea or Rescue Remedy to prevent shock when planting out your new plants. Make the tea as usual and then spray on the
Care of spades and forks
Spray your new spades and forks, or your old clean ones, with Silicone. This makes cleaning them much easier and prevents rust.
Choosing plants for the shade garden
When choosing plants for the shade garden, look carefully at aspects like texture and leaf colour. Many of the Plectranthus have interesting, textured leaves which
Speed up the growth of your Wild Olives
Olea africana, Wild Olive tends to be slow growing, but we can speed up the growth if we give them a handful of Agricultural lime
How to divide your Strelitzia clump
Warning, once you have divided your clump, it will take two to three years before it flowers again. They actually like to be pot bound
keep the cats out of the garden beds
If your cats are using your newly planted bed as a toilet, sprinkle some moth balls around the plants or spray the bare patches with
Understanding the numbers on Fertilizer bags
Fertilizer bags are marked with 3 numbers, Nitrogen (N), Phosphate (P), and Potassium (P). 2.3.2 is a balanced fertilizer which is used when planting all